Pain Relief Centers of Arizona

Informed Patient Alert!
Discover Spinal Decompression
Highly Effective, Non-Invasive, Affordable

Your Personal Guide to Understanding Your Non-surgical Treatment Options

About the Report

If you have been diagnosed with a herniated, bulging or degenerative disc or are suffering from sciatica or chronic neck and back pain and are looking for a non-surgical and non-invasive approach to your pain that does not involve pills, shots, surgery or chiropractic then this report is a MUST READ.

Download Your Free Copy of The Report Below

What’s Inside the Report?

  1. 1Why Incidents of back pain are increasing despite all the new drugs and surgery options.
  2. 2What You Don’t Know About Using Pain Relievers CAN Hurt You
  3. 3Why Going To Your Family Doctor May Only Make Things Worse.
  4. 4Medical doctors are saying failed back surgeries are occurring at an “alarming rate”.
  5. 5Many failed back surgeries will need up to 3 further surgeries; even successful surgeries may need future surgeries.
  6. 6Actual pain reduction from surgery is shockingly low; 70% still experienced pain post-surgery.
  7. 7Only 26% of patients who underwent surgery returned to work, while 67% of patients who didn’t went back to work.
  8. 8One study showed a 41% increase in use of painkillers after surgery.
  9. 9What is spinal decompression? What does it treat? How does it work?
  10. 10What research has been done to prove the success rates of spinal decompression?
  11. 11Why many medical doctors are turning to spinal decompression to treat their own back pain
  12. 12Are spinal decompression treatments painful? Safe?
  13. 13Does insurance and medicare cover treatments? Do you provide payment plans for uninsured patients?
  14. 14Can Spinal Decompression still help even if pills, shots, chiropractic and other treatments failed? Failed back surgery?
  15. 15Who does NOT qualify for spinal decompression therapy? How to Know If You are eligible for Spinal Decompression Therapy?
  16. 16Hear Personal Examples of How Decompression Is Giving People Their Lives Back

And much, much more...............

This report is more than just how OTHER people solved their back pain. Much more. It reveals exactly how YOU can too. Imagine living the rest of your life pain free. Imagine waking up tomorrow morning with your back pain GONE. Imagine how much easier your live would be if you could just be pain free…. once and for all. If you are seriously motivated to finally put an end to your agonizing back pain – naturally – without drugs, shots, surgery or chiropractic, this may be the most exciting and important report you ever read. Why?

Because Spinal Decompression is

  • Safe – almost zero side effects
  • Effective – up to 89% in a Mayo Clinic study
  • Non-surgical – no cutting, no lasers, no down time
  • Affordable
  • Long Lasting – 50% of patients still had zero pain 4 years after treatments

Get Your Free Report Here

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